Collection of pocket calendars USSR

About * Collection of postcards of the USSR * Gallery of amateur photos

Советские организации, министерства, общества и объединения.

Soviet organizations, ministries, societies and associations.

  • Aeroflot

    98 photos

    Aeroflot – Russian Airlines Aeroflot is one of the oldest airlines in the world, tracing its history back to 1923. During the Soviet era, Aeroflot was the Soviet national airline and the largest airline in the world.Аэрофлот Национальный авиаперевозчик России, старейшая авиакомпания в мире, начинающая свою историю с 1923 года.

  • All-Union Foreign Trade Associations

    66 photos in 31 sub-albums

    All-Union Foreign Trade AssociationsSoviet foreign trade economic organizations that enjoyed the rights of a legal entity and acted on the basis of economic accounting.

  • All-union Society of Book Lovers

    5 photos

    Общество книголюбов действует более 40 лет, за это время оно несколько раз изменяло свое название, не меняя целей, задач, форм и методов работы с книгой в клубах, секциях, объединениях любителей книги и других общественных организациях.

  • GlavYuvelirtorg

    6 photos

    Главювелирторг | GlavYuvelirtorgГлавное управление торговли ювелирными изделиями

            Ювелирные изделия в СССР вырабатывали специализированные предприятия и отдельные цехи художественно-производственных мастерских и артелей, выпускавшие украшения и предметы быта из цветных металлов.

  • USSR state insurance

    152 photos in 10 sub-albums

    USSR state insurance.

           In the USSR state insurance is a new sociohistorical type of insurance, the basis for which was established by the nationalization of the insurance system. General insurance matters are supervised by the Ministry of Finance of the USSR and the Central Administration of State Insurance, or Gosstrakh, an entity with economic accountability operating under the ministry.

    Child life insurance | Wedding Insurance | Accident insurance | Life insurance | Buildings insurance | Property insurance | Vehicle insurance | Pet insurance | Other types of insurance

  • Advertising of state labour savings banks.

    4 photos

    In the Soviet Union the system of "State Labour Saving Offices" (государственная трудовая сберегательная касса) was instituted in 1922. The first was opened in February 1923, in Petrograd (now St. Petersburg).Eventually, Soviet sberkassas were outlets of the only Soviet bank, USSR State Bank, or Gosbank until 1988 and Sberbank (USSR Savings Bank) after the "perestroika" of the Soviet bank system.

  • Industrial Union of Metal

    1 photo

    Industrial Union of Metal

  • Ministries of the Soviet Union

    13 photos in 4 sub-albums

    Министерства СССРMinistries of the Soviet Union

  • USSR Marine

    4 photos

    Marine of the Soviet Union

  • Rechflot (River fleet)

    4 photos

    the Soviet river fleetInitially, the Soviet river fleet was controlled by the People's Commissariat of the River Fleet, and immediately after the Great Patriotic War by the Ministry of River Fleet of the USSR.

  • Rosmyasorybtorg (Росмясорыбторг)

    1 photo

    Республиканская контора по оптовой торговле мясом, маслом и рыбой Министерства торговли РСФСР

  • Soviet Railways

    8 photos

    The Soviet Railways (Russian: Советские железные дороги (СЖД)) was the state owned national railway system of the Soviet Union, headquartered in Moscow. The railway started operations in December 1922, shortly after the formation of the Soviet Union.

  • Sovexportfilm

    17 photos

    «Sovexportfilm» All-Union association that carried out the export and import of films.


    2 photos

    "Soyuzattraction" appeared thanks to a decree of the Soviet government, which decided to diversify the leisure time of the population in city parks. The organization was supposed to oversee the development, production and maintenance of a fundamentally new entertainment for the country - slot machines.

  • «Soyuzconcert» (Союзконцерт)

    3 photos

    «Soyuzconcert»The State Concert and Touring Bureau of the USSR "Soyuzconcert" was founded in 1967 as a single all-Union center that carried out the planning and coordination of tours of soloists and art groups on the territory of all republics of the USSR.

  • TASS

    1 photo

  • Tourist&Intourist

    24 photos


  • «Voskhod» Factory

    4 photos

    «Voskhod» Factory

  • «Expocentre»

    1 photo

    Expocentre is a Russian exhibition and conference company staging international trade shows in Russia, the CIS countries and Central Europe, and also Russian national pavilions at EXPOs (World Fairs).